Jul 22, 2010

HOW TO: use your deco stickers and put some pizazz.

This is the all hearts unite you overlap a whole bunch of drawn, or sticker hearts, and some lines, and it adds a whole lot a pizazz!
The messy stuff is my 2nd favorite one(my first one being the hem). What you do is you messily, drawn on some lines, and keep on doing that. You can use as many colors as you want. As long as you dont soak in all the way the paper! ^ ^
Swirls is by far the easiest one, you create little swirls! Thats all there is to it!
Bubbles is also very pretty, but can be hard. If you want it to be really pretty, you have to make all of the circles cemetrical! Bubbles is also very pretty when you alternate colors.
Hemming is very pretty to use, and probably the most used by me. It just never runs out of style! and when I use it, it makes a HUGE difference! Well all of these do!

So this is the first one, you dont need acutally any kinds of stickers, you can just use some paper from a brown paper bag, you put glue, and boom! vintage!
This is another way to just randomly put a decrotive sticker in the middle of nowhere, it really is pretty, sometimes putting multiple ones overlaping eachother is really pretty too, but you need to alot of space, which I dont have. ㅠㅠ
And lastly the most basic one, just putting one the side! And or bottom, it really pretty that way and does add some umph!

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