Jul 22, 2010

HOW TO: use your deco stickers and put some pizazz.

This is the all hearts unite you overlap a whole bunch of drawn, or sticker hearts, and some lines, and it adds a whole lot a pizazz!
The messy stuff is my 2nd favorite one(my first one being the hem). What you do is you messily, drawn on some lines, and keep on doing that. You can use as many colors as you want. As long as you dont soak in all the way the paper! ^ ^
Swirls is by far the easiest one, you create little swirls! Thats all there is to it!
Bubbles is also very pretty, but can be hard. If you want it to be really pretty, you have to make all of the circles cemetrical! Bubbles is also very pretty when you alternate colors.
Hemming is very pretty to use, and probably the most used by me. It just never runs out of style! and when I use it, it makes a HUGE difference! Well all of these do!

So this is the first one, you dont need acutally any kinds of stickers, you can just use some paper from a brown paper bag, you put glue, and boom! vintage!
This is another way to just randomly put a decrotive sticker in the middle of nowhere, it really is pretty, sometimes putting multiple ones overlaping eachother is really pretty too, but you need to alot of space, which I dont have. ㅠㅠ
And lastly the most basic one, just putting one the side! And or bottom, it really pretty that way and does add some umph!

Jul 21, 2010

HOW TO: decorate you diary part 1

Okay, so guys these are steps on how to decorate you diary! This one is mine btw! Isnt it cute!

So this is my first week in July, and it looks pretty cool huh? Umm, the green one doesnt show up very well, but oh well. The bottom semi circle is acutually really thin oragami paper, cut in to a circle, then cut in half!
Then this is my 2nd week, a bit more fancy shmancy! Umm, the deco sticker I printed out. And like half of the stuff! ^ ^
So this is actually my fouth week, umm, I forgot the third one! well actually I was too lazy that day to do it.. . . . . tee hee. But I only did it till today, cuz..... well i cant tell the future!
You want to put your stickers on first! Because otherwise they wont fit in after you wrote stuff, so you want to arrange them in a way you want them to!

After that, you put in your entry of your diary, in different pen colors, and a nice handwriting. Also If you feel that its still kinda of "meh" then you can always put in decostickers, sayings, and some decoration around the entry.

Okay well have fun with this! And I hope this helped! Make sure to comment if you would like more of these tutorials!Well seeya!


Okay so this is a sticker layout for yall!
You can use this for you diary and shtuff. There are also

Okay so anywho, there will be a post for how to use them with you diary, and be sure to check out my new post on decorating your diary, cuz, its awesome! And F.Y.I I cannot stress this enough, if you dont live in asian places with diaries and stuff, a lined notebook, is okay too! It might even be better! okay bye!

May 9, 2010


Korean cellphones are really cool! and have the cutest designs evar! I mean the american cellphones are cool, like the Iphone and all, but korean cellphones are really cute, and have really cool colors! For example: The lollipop 1 and 2:

Apr 23, 2010


well I live in Asia and K pop is the most popular kind of music in asia these days. There is SNSD, KARA, After School, T ara, Davich, See ya, Lee Hyori, 2PM, 2AM, Super Junior, CN blue, Beast, U kiss, and alot much more. But what annoys me alot is that koreans worship all of these guys and they always try to follow their style, and stuff. Oh and alot of korean "Idols" do commercals for chicken, pizza, skincare, refrigerators,computers, tissues, school supplies, phones,(which by the way are really cool, check my post on them!) ETC. I mean in America not alot of celebrites do home supply commercials and stuff like that, right? I mean you dont see lady gaga doing a commercial for chicken do you?! Speaking of Alot of korean singers or 가수s are groups. If you are a solo you wont get very far, but there are a couple of singers who do get far, and have been around for a while like
Rain, you might know him, he is that guy from "ninja assasin" Okay well bye!!!!!!!!!


These guys are called Bosa!!!!!!!!!! Any more ideas for bosa, please leave a comment! or any more requests......

Harry potter: Deaths...........

Gosh, I hate deaths especially when the person who died didn't deserve it. . . . . . . . . . Like Remus Lupin, Snape, Tonks, Fred(or was it George?),Sirius, AND DUMBLEDORE! That part was just so Unbelievable..... I had to read that line over and over and over again. Gosh I really felt bad for Harry when Sirius Died. His only family now dead. But I hate reading about deaths, and when I see it in dramatic movies, I just start to bawl up. I know I'm weird. And Like half of the order got murdered by those terrible death eaters and Nevilles' parents suffered like that, and now he lives with his grandma, not like living with your grandma is bad, but now his parents are in the hospital totally just still and not doing anything much, just for the order! MAY THE ORDER LIVE ON FOREVER!(I was so confused at the first 6 books if snape was evil or not, but when he got strangled. . . . I knew he was good, but voldemort is such a terrible person killing his own people.... okay well bye!)